Sunday, October 21, 2007

Week 7 Reflections

I am exhausted from this week's assignments. I am nearly done with my multimedia presentation and would have been done already, but I was indecisive in determining how to present my presentation. I started out with google page creator (but it does not allow a lot of flexibility), then started a PowerPoint presentation and was not interested b/c I have done so many powerpoints before. I wanted to explore something different so I put my presentation on my Wiki Space at I am not completely finished yet, but will be before midnight tonight. There are so many cool gadgets to use with wiki (although I realize this is not a collaboration project, I just wanted to try it out. It is very simple to use and insert images and pictures. I am not good on the audio yet. I did try recording my voice, but it sounded so gragly and tired that I deleted the audio files. I was able to get some audio and video tutorials on wiki features, so I hope this counts.

Learning about asynchronous and synchronous learning environments was interesting. As I responded to one person's question as to which I prefer, I must admit that I prefer asynchronous learning environments b/c I am shy by nature and traditional classroom settings have always been nerve wracking for me. I enjoy learning at my own pace in the comfort of my own home. I am self-motivated and I tend to work better alone than in groups. When I work with people I am familiar with, I end up being less productive b/c we usually converse about unrelated information rather than the topic at hand. When I collaborate with someone I am not familiar with, there is always the feeling that I am not doing my part; there have been cases in which I was left with all the work.

Have a great week.

P.S. I experimented with the whiteboard on MSN Live Messenger, but did not understand how it can benefit learning. If anyone knows, please give me some insight on how the whiteboard can be a useful tool.



Heather Farley said...


I also enjoyed learning more about synchronous and asynchronous learning environments. Both of them have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

Just like you, I prefer asynchronous courses, so I can do my work at home in my PJs at midnight if I want to!


BeckyYard said...

Hi Denise-

I worked late into the night on my project as well but the rendering took way too long. I ended up having to post it on Monday. Not happy about that. I think posting your piece to your wiki was a great idea. I posted my to my blog. These spaces seems like the ideal place to post this type of media.

Hope you have a great week!

Meredith said...

I have tried several times to get the whiteboard to work on IM. Do you mind emailing me pointers on how you got it to work?
